Pink Smoothie Girls

Pink Smoothie Girls
What a wonderful group of women, (and kiddos too.)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Parmesan Baked Tomatoes

I love tomatoes! Especially the funky organic genetically unaltered heritage breed that cost an arm and a leg in the summertime. Someday, I will successfully grow those big beautiful babies, but in the meantime, I will just sit and dream about them every time I make these Parmesan Baked Tomatoes. They are so darn easy to make! They are good by themselves, or add them to a slice of toasted Sourdough Bread with a little Mayo or better yet, ground up Garbanzo beans as a Mayo substitute.
What you need:
4-6 Tomatoes, washed & sliced in half.
2-4 Tsp freshly chopped up Oregano to taste
Salt & Pepper to taste
Olive Oil
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Place tomatoes, juicy sides up, in a jelly roll pan. Top with cheese, oregano, S&P, and lightly drizzle with olive oil. Bake until tomatoes are tender, about 15-20 minutes. Its that easy! And you will get all kinds of goodness out of the deal: potassium, calcuim, vitamins like A & D, good stuff like that. Use the extra time you saved making these yummys to sit and SAVOR the flavor.
Enjoy! Love, Katharina